Sunday, February 7, 2010

July 2, 2001 (Losing some heroes.)

OK, this is different. I'm at work, outside on my lunch break, writing on the hood of my car.
It's July 2, 2001. I woke up this morning with laryngitis, or something. I can barely talk. We're supposed to practice tomorrow night. I may have to cancel if I can't sing.
Bad news lately. Chet Atkins died 2 days ago. In my family, he loomed large. Now he's gone.
John Lee Hooker died recently. Who's gonna replace him?
Joey Ramone died a couple of months ago. That was a shock. The Ramones were a huge influence on me.
Also, I'd like to remember Lonesome Dave Peverett, who died last year. I once strummed his guitar from the front row of the Mad Monk. The very same guitar I saw him play on Don Kirshner's Rock Concert on late night TV, back in '73 or '74. That was one of the few places you could see rock-n-roll bands on TV back then.
I was lucky enough to see Chet (or Chester, as they call him in Nashville) perform at Thalian Hall a few years back.
I saw the Ramones 3 times.
Never got to see John Lee.
Now they're all gone. Just like that.

1 comment:

  1. Just last night I was telling Melanie about seeing Chet with you and Jake. Thalian came up in a search for wedding venues we were doing online. It's actually not as expensive as I would have guessed to rent Thalian Hall.
