Friday, February 5, 2010

Man Out of Time (Maybe written in 2003? Pre-computer...)

I know one thing: I'm a man out of time.
I don't belong here. The technology (or Chuck Gnarly, as my friend Bert calls it) is overwhelming. I want no part of it. It's so dehumanizing.
I was in Circuit City today and I almost began to panic. I was surrounded by all of these affluent young people, with SUVs and car alarms and cell phones - with just the right hair cuts, shoes, coats and hats - buying computer supplies and flat screen TVs. It was packed. Where do these people get all that extra money to waste on useless toys? It's kind of surreal.
Visit one of these stores on a Saturday afternoon and observe. I bought my two CDs (both 70's music) and got out of there.
Man out of time.

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