Friday, February 5, 2010


I had this dream where I went back in time, but I didn't realize it at first. Little things began popping up, like no TV and just a general lack of all the plastic garbage we accumulate. Finally, I saw a news paper dated in the 50s. Then all of the little things became really obvious.

I had a dream in which the Incredible Hulk was out to get me. Only he wasn't like the comic book or television version, where he basically has the mind of a child coupled with a powerful body. He was intelligent and evil. And he was the size of King Kong.
There was no escape.
He caught my dog Pooky and I thought she was a goner. But, somehow, I got her back unharmed. David Spade (?!) tried to help me evade him with his car - which looked like a gazebo on wheels.

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