Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My heart.

I'm getting up at 4 in the morning to drive 3 hours to a hospital to have a catheterization procedure performed. The doctor seems to think I may have some arterial blockages. I'm not feeling so well and I'm stressed and worried about it.
I've been so preoccupied that I locked my keys in my office at work and had to break in to get them. I then had to fix the lock.
The doctor prescribed some additional meds. When I went to get them filled yesterday, I got to the checkout, the girl rang me up and I realized that I had left my wallet in my car. So I had to run to the far side of the parking lot, in the pouring rain, to get it.
I came close to locking my keys in my car today.
I'm almost scared to drive.

I've just begun this blog. I hope I live a while longer. I have a lot to say and I'm just getting started.

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