Sunday, August 1, 2010

Brie Fly (pt. 1)

I became an actualized bi-sexual the day I stopped patronizing one downtown adult book store, which had a sign on the wall that read "No gay activities in the movie stalls!," and stepped into another, that actually had gay films showing in 2 of their maybe 10 or 12 stalls. And these 2 stalls were upstairs, away from the others. The concept was exciting and the excitement created a turmoil in my stomach. I was nervous and jittery as I stood there inspecting the current attractions on the small billboard. I could hardly imagine what it would be like to see 2 hot, muscular men have sex with each other. I went upstairs.
Once inside the stall, I immediately noticed a hole in the wall - my first glory hole - and when I bent down, I could see into the other stall. I watched a man pull out his dick and masturbate. It was a little hard to believe.
Later, as I waited for the adjoining stall to be vacated, so that I might realize the demented pleasures it held for me, by way of film, a young man stepped out, cautiously, and said "Hi. Was your movie any good?" I told him it was pretty good. I was so nervous. We traded stalls. After a few minutes of viewing, he stepped out and knocked on my door. I knew what he wanted and let him in.
I kissed the young man with the short hair and mustache. He had liquor on his breath. And as passion overtook us, he unzipped his pants and took out his rather large dick. I was scared stiff (no pun intended), but I wanted it to happen.
I said something idiotic like "I'm not gay...I don't usually do stuff like this." He whispered "I'm not saying you're gay." And, with that ridiculous exchange, we got down to business. I must say, it all felt very natural to me.

Just remembering my bi-sexual "cherry popping" excited me to the point of masturbation - which excited me to the point of ejaculation.

By the way, my name is Arthur. Arthur J. Stanley.

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