Sunday, August 15, 2010

Zed Zed Omen

Old Mr. Smith
He floats across the flag
He drags his leather bag
He pisses in the open
Then climbs into his coffin.

Although, it's not him I'm thinking of
But a computerized worm
A veritable bug
A hole within a pretty whole
A superman with a plastic soul.

If you have to shoot me down
Stand me up on even ground
And please look me in the eye
Then, if you must, make me die.

(Jim-Jim cried "COMPASSION!"
Full of rage and action
But Jimmi Blue just needs for you
To know he's through and through.)

Old Mr. Smith climbs out of his coffin
Greets the new day, begins his walkin'
"Every day is good," he says
But the consensus is he's soft in the head.

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