Thursday, August 19, 2010

My heart (update).

What a drag! What a drag! What a drag these health issues are!!
I'm tired of talking about it. I tired of answering questions. I'm tired of trying to describe symptoms. I'm tired of obsessing. I'm tired of being tired. (I can't sleep.) Medications. Doctors. Hospitals. Fear.
The ICD technician suggested that since the device didn't register my last episode (Tuesday), maybe I just IMAGINED IT! She suggested that I see a shrink to be treated for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She said I seemed like a nervous person anyway.
If I imagined that last episode, then I must really be nuts.
The cardiologist allowed that it could be one of two things: either I IMAGINED the whole thing in a panicked state - or - the device didn't pick it up, for some reason. Before he could finish his sentence I said, "The device didn't pick it up. There is NO WAY I imagined that."
Anyway, they adjusted my ICD to read instances of "slower tachycardia" and I'm to start an additional medication that will help the current one I'm "loading." Then I'm to see the cardiologist again, at the end of September.
He said no driving for 6 months!
But you know what? I can't continue with my life on hold. I have to get back to work. I'm going to give it another week or so and see how I feel. If I feel ok, I'm driving my ass to work.
That's what I decided.

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