Saturday, August 28, 2010

Olonso (epilogue)

As the year ended, with Capricorn (Floyd), Amanda and D.CapricornC. (Debbie) gone, I shook hands with Mr.C - the man who, to me, seemed to know something more. He was a vegetarian, an actor, singer, pianist, dancer. He had lived in N.Y.C. He had the nerve to wear an ear ring (gasp!) in the early 70s in the backwoods of my home town. He was my teacher and my friend.
Mr.C said, "You were the prize." I looked at him, puzzled. "You were the prize in the Cracker Jack box." he smiled.
I only talked to him once since. It was when my father died. He called and it really helped me. I would like to see him again.

(Author's note:
I actually saw Mr.C several times after writing this. In fact, I saw him a couple of years ago, under rather odd circumstances - nearly 35 years after Olonso was written.
Mr.C once told me that he thought it was cool the way I spelled "Olonso." I thought I was spelling "Alonzo." I never confessed I didn't do it on purpose...)

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