Monday, August 23, 2010

Olonso (preface)

I'm about to begin transcribing excerpts of a journal I kept in the 7th grade. Bear in mind that I was an awkward social misfit and that I was obsessed with the occult. I wanted, desperately, to believe in something beyond the day to day realities of our existence.
I had a teacher, that year, whom I greatly admired. He was young, hip and very good looking. Charismatic. Not long ago, almost 35 years after these writings, I saw him again, in a somewhat less than flattering light. I'd tell you the circumstances, but you probably wouldn't believe me. At any rate, after all these years, he was still a good looking man.
While writing this journal, I used zodiac symbols, appropriate to each person, as code names. As I cannot type these symbols, I will just use the words, as in "Libra" or "Aries."
My teacher, Mr.C, said something like this to the class: "I want you to get a composition book and begin writing a journal. At least a page a day. You can write anything you like. Now if there's something personal or anything negative or 'bad' you want to say, put 'Do not read' at the top of the page, and I promise I won't read it. But, I want to read at least 2 entries a week."
I have many wonderful memories of the 7th grade - and some very bad ones. It was a turbulent year for me - a shy kid in a little town full of rednecks. Maybe that's why I wanted to believe in Magick.

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