Thursday, August 19, 2010

The trip to Fayetteville to see Rush. Pt.1 (Around '77?)

The trip to Fayetteville, to see Rush and Head East, was on. Eddie and I went to pick up Pam. After waiting forever for her to get ready, she finally appeared. We then headed off to pick up D'Arcy and Kim.
D'arcy and Kim wanted to go to the liquor store. Pam was elected to attempt the purchase, but the guy wouldn't sell it to her (we were all under-age). We noticed this black dude that was hanging around outside and we made a deal with him to buy it for us. He said he just wanted a pint for his efforts. He came back outside with a fifth of vodka and a fifth of tequila. I think he ripped us off on the change, but what the heck.
Next, we were off to the grocery store to buy Pina Colada and Daiquiri mixes. Eddie, of course, was drinking Mad Dog 20/20.
By the time we reached Riegelwood, we were all feeling good. Everybody had the munchies, so they wanted to stop at a convenience store. I had a bad feeling about it, for some reason. As we pulled up to the front of the store, Pam, who was sitting next to me (I was driving), knocked over a big speaker I had stuffed between the console and the dash. It fell on the brake pedal and prevented me from stopping the car. There was an ice machine in front of the store. We smashed it flat.
Everyone panicked. I threw the car into reverse and hauled ass out of there! The front fender was scraping the tire as we pulled down a back road and parked the car.
This is how things stood: There was liquor all over the car (the girls had been mixing drinks, you see). The right front fender was mashed up. The radiator was pouring. And here we were with all of this money tied up in the evening - alcohol, concert tickets, gas, weed, etc. - and no ride.
The 5 of us walked back down the road to a gas station (right across the street from the smashed ice machine) to use the phone. After some debate, we decided to see if Kim could get her mom to bring a car up and have someone follow her so that we could continue to the show and she would have a way home. After a long and freezing wait (it was one of the coldest nights of the year), Kim's mom came through. We stopped by the wrecked car to pick up the alcohol and, once again, we were on our way.

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