Friday, August 20, 2010

The trip to Fayetteville to see Rush. Pt.2 (Around '77?)

D'Arcy and Kim got into an argument over who was going to drive her mother's car. D'Arcy was pretty drunk already and starting to get a little physical. They finally agreed that Kim should drive up and, if he was in good enough condition after the show, he would drive back.
D'Arcy was in a bad mood, at that point. He turned the vodka bottle up and drank about half of it! Then he went to sleep. A long and deep sleep. He slept all the way up to Fayetteville, all through the concert, all the way back home (Kim had to help me drag him into my bedroom), the rest of the night and half of the next day.
The next morning was Sunday. I had left a note on the kitchen table telling my mom, basically, what had happened. To say that she woke me in a rage is a great understatement. She told me she knew D'Arcy was in my room "sleeping off a drunk." Then she told me to look out the window. It was snowing. Hard. I was going to have to get her wrecked car home in the snow!
I was mad at all of my pseudo-friends, mad at D'Arcy for being an inconsiderate drunk and not worrying about shit - and mad at myself for letting everyone put everything off on me, like they always do. Fuck them!
Pam, I later found out, had been a regular whore that night (I should've known). She messed around with me all night, but when I wasn't with her, she tried to mess around with Eddie. Eddie was cool as hell about it. He feels the same about her as I do now.
I had to wake my brother up, early Sunday morning, to help me tow the car home, in the snow. Therein lies a whole 'nother story. The car was sliding around on the icy roads and nearly slid into a ditch, at one point. When we finally got it home, it was covered in icy mud and filled with snow and liquor. It was a nasty mess!
Meanwhile, D'Arcy was sleeping. He started out in the bed, but during the night, he had rolled off onto the floor, without even waking. Boom. I let him stay there. He was spitting in his sleep and he even pissed himself. Lovely.
The radiator had to be taken out of my mom's car and repaired. Who paid for it? Me, of course.

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