Sunday, August 1, 2010

I'm not sure about this...

I want to post something I wrote around 1979 or 1980, but I'm uneasy about the content. There are a few sexual references that are a bit graphic. I've been putting off writing this for some time now because of those references.
What should I do?
I'm worried that the inclusion of these posts will alter the feel of this blog. It does have a feel, right? Or is it a big rambling mess anyway? I thought about editing it, but that would either mean cutting out big chunks of meat, or watering it down until it lacks any relevance.

I often worry about being an artistic coward.

I've lived a huge part of my life on the edge and in the dark, dank dungeon. These couple of tidbits seem innocent to me now, having experienced a multitude of extreme incidents over the course of my life.
The character, Arty, who is relating these events, was about 20 years old at that time.
I'm going to just dive in, I think. Let's just see what happens.
Here goes... Ladies and gentlemen, "Brie Fly."

Warning: some sexual content.

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