Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Brie Fly (pt. 8)

I remember a come-on line: "Hey man, did you like that joint I gave you?" "Joint" being the key word.
"You must have me confused with someone else."
"Oh, man, you look like someone I met the other day."
"So, what's happening?"
"Not much."
"My name's Don."
"My name's Arthur."
"I'm just messing around. Not much to do. Do you want to ride around some?"
"Yeah. Why not."

We met in front of an adult bookstore, late one night in the sleazy part of the port city. Down near the river. Coast Guardsmen on shore leave, hookers and gays were out. It was extremely cold and everyone moved a bit swifter than usual - bundled up to protect themselves from the frigid wind blowing off of the water.
I was wearing a trench coat. He was wearing something fuzzy, I think. Or maybe it was his beard that left that impression on me. He looked a bit like a rejected Muppet. As it turned out, he was in show business. He was an actor.
I had to get into his beat up old car from the driver's side. The passenger's door was crunched in and the window was covered with a sheet of plastic. Cold air poured in through the cracks, where the tape wasn't very secure.
I was nervous.
We drove down some back streets. He had a destination. He asked "Would you like to get into something?"
"That depends" I shivered - my teeth actually chattering. "Like what?"
"Sex" he said, looking me in the eyes.
"Sure" I said.
He drove on, turning up and down streets, in his '69 Chevy.
"How big is your dick?" he asked.
"It's adequate."
"I have a big dick." He spoke clearly.
We pulled into a vacant lot and began. He offered me some Rush. I hit it several times. He did have a big dick. He told me mine was very nice - that he liked it. Then he asked me if his was the biggest dick I'd ever seen.
"No." He'd asked and I'd told him the truth.
My answer seemed to set him back a bit. But, then he smiled and I felt better.
Any other conversation went like this:
"Well, Don, what do you get into?"
"Sucking" he groaned.
"Besides that" I smiled.
"Fucking" he answered quickly.
I laughed. "No, besides that."
"Oh, the theater."
"Are you an actor?" I was interested, but he only wanted sex from me.
"I act and direct."
"I've always wanted to get into theater...acting... even behind the scenes...but I've never really..."
"Oh no..." he thought, as he drove me back to my car.

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