Sunday, August 1, 2010

Brie Fly (pt. 4)

Jameson and I had a preoccupation, grades 6th through 8th, or so, with witchcraft, esp, the supernatural, the occult. We read everything and conversed with anyone knowledgeable or interested. We felt that we were intelligent enough not to get pulled in by anyone talking bullshit. For instance, there was a local male "witch" who would invite young, impressionable guys over for dance lessons. He referred to his home town of Winston Salem as "Salem". Get it? He maintained that he was a reincarnation of Cleopatra. It's funny how it's always a notable historical figure.
Right on the spot, we began telling him of our "secretive coven" and our own reincarnations (Pope Leo I, Napoleon Bonaparte, Rembrandt, Jimi Hendrix...), taking cues from each other. It was a sort of spontaneous mesmerization.

But, who am I to talk about the witch and his dance lessons for boys. But, to be honest, I don't feel "gay." I think of myself as a normal guy and I'm debating with my emotions as to whether a few homosexual experiences makes one a homosexual. I mean, I still like girls. Bi-sexual? I dunno...

Looking through some papers, I just found some lyrics I wrote, years ago, to an imagined song. Well, if you really want to know...

"Stupid and Dumb and Fun"

So what? Huh? So what? I don't care! Huh?
Stupid and dumb and fun.
I'm ambitious, if you call that ambition.
I wanna do something
stupid and dumb and fun.

Who really cares? I don't! Huh?
You don't care that I don't? Huh? Shut up!
Stupid and dumb and fun.
I'm my own creation.
My girlfriend is stupid and dumb and fun.

Who really wants to hear it? I mean, REALLY?
Huh? You're a fool! Huh? Wow, man.
Stupid and dumb and fun.
It's me only revelation!
I wanna do something stupid and dumb and fun.

You don't like Rock-n-Roll? Huh?
You don't understand it? You don't know what it's like to be young?
Huh? Dead beat!
Stupid and dumb and fun.
Tell them you're no relation to the brat who likes things
stupid and dumb and fun!

I'm thinking that this is so very confusing. But, wait. It gets worse...

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