Thursday, August 12, 2010

World's worst best man.

I was supposed to have been best man in my best friend's wedding last Saturday. That didn't happen.
Friday, I took the day off from work and drove to his house in Greenville, NC. From there we went to New Bern, NC for the wedding rehearsal dinner. The wedding was to take place in New Bern. The plan was for he and I to go back to Greenville that night, then back to New Bern on Saturday.
Right after the dinner Friday, as we were walking to the door of the restaurant, I felt one of my "episodes" occurring. My dad used to say, his "spells." It was so quick and overwhelming that the next thing I knew I was in the emergency room in New Bern.
I ruined the rehearsal dinner and I missed the wedding. I'm so sorry.

I was supposed to give a toast at the wedding reception. I wasn't there. Here is what I was going to say:

Lennon and McCartney said it best: "All you need is love / All you need is love / All you need is love, love / Love is all you need." I wish Chuck and Melanie much love, good health and a long, happy, beautiful life together. To Chuck and Melanie!

I was going to get the gathering to sing the lines of the song with me. I'm sappy like that.

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