Friday, August 27, 2010


Thur. 1/3/74

Dear Olonso,
I had a vision, on the 29th of December, about Libra. He was reading something. On January 1st, I had another vision. It was a very famous man who lived sometime in the 1400's. He was reading as Libra was. Then I saw Libra reading again. I think he has been reincarnated.
On the 29th, I also had a dream of going to my uncle's house to borrow a "food tube". Looking in the cabinet that was pointed out to me, I saw a violin. My cousin said he played it. I told him I'd like to be able to play violin and he said that he knew. He said my friend (he said the name incorrectly, but I knew he was talking about Aries2) had told him. He also said that Taurus, Libra's brother, had been copying out of my journal. (You, Olonso!) He showed me some of it...

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