Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"(Worlds)" (Written when I was 13.)

Rotating circles
Spinning balls
The temptation of evil
The lure of love
The kindness of a friend
The emancipated hawk
The acrimonious call
The motivated watcher
The simple abundance of joy

The freedom of the wind
The view from a mountain
The momentarily made path
Made by the step of purity which is the youth
The look beyond:
The speed of the trout in his watery world
Then the contemplation:
Each drop of water an individual
Each a world within
Then the thought of other worlds
Worlds beyond the worlds within
The thought demolished in fear of complicating simplicities
Back to the world
My world of worlds

The breeze softly touches the flowers below me
And I feel it too
Not only with my body, but with my mind
Now, the wonder I feel:
The breeze - unseen, but felt
untamable, but heard
I go back to the youth
Finding his way into other worlds:
Life, love, manhood
The point is stressed in my mind:
Everyone has each a world
And, if this is true, where and what is mine
To search the dusty corridors of my soul
Finding my inner personalities
Chained to the walls of the dungeon of my thoughts
This I do in my world of the unknown
Is this the world in which I should live?
Learning of this while I live in another?
But which?
Taking part in each world?
But how?
There are worlds indiscoverable

The clouds fill in around me
Blinding me carefully
I am on my mind's tower
Looking out, I see
Fearfully, holding back
The sight frightens me
The indescribable must be discussed
I can't!
I jump off of the tower
I fall
I fly!
I pass the lark!
I stop
I have hit an immovable force
I must leave
The fire consumes me

I am in the valley of the youth
Am I him?
I am!
I walk, wearing a kimono
It reminds me of the wisdom of the Orient
I must not have attained it, for I am the youth
Or, have I, for I AM the youth?

Shining suns
Darkened hearts
The roar of the ocean.

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