Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My heart (update).

I had another one of my episodes today. I'm just now starting to feel a little better. It wasn't small, but it obviously wasn't like the one I had in New Bern. I guess I panicked a bit when it happened, thinking "Oh no, here we go again." I did manage to call my sister, who came right over.
We don't have much in common, but I don't know what I would do without the help of my family. I owe them a lot.
After days of phone calls to various numbers, I've finally managed to wrangle a new appointment with my cardiologist in Chapel Hill. Instead of a month and a half away, I'll see him in 2 days. God, I hope he has some positive news for me. I hope he wants to do the procedure I've been told about.
We'll see.

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