Friday, August 27, 2010


Mon. 2/4/74

Hello Olonso,
I've missed you.
Well, I've just finished a 4 page poem and I think I'll call it "(Worlds)".
We have a test tomorrow in Ms. Spiliotis' room.
Capricorn is going to move to Southport soon. That's bad.
Libra makes me feel so inferior that I hate to see him. But, I have to give him Aries' key to find mine...
Well, I'll leave you with this Aries/Virgo/Capricorn/Sagittarius saying: "Nothing has to be something in order to be nothing."

(Author's note:
The rough composition of "(Worlds)" was 4 pages, in rather large handwriting. I had been reading Thomas Moore and was astonished at poetry that was more than a page long.)

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