Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Adventures in being me.

My car overheated yesterday, leaving me stranded on the side of the road. Luckily, it turned out that the thermostat was sticking - so I replaced it today. That may have been the cause of the overheating, but yesterday, while attempting a roadside diagnosis, I tried to remove the fuse going to the cooling fan - thinking it may not be working - and in the process of pulling out this most unusual looking fuse, it broke, leaving the metal prongs in the fuse panel. I got a replacement fuse for it, but it won't insert properly. My brother-in-law, who was giving me a hand, jammed it in there and said, "It'll be ok." Me? I'm not so sure. If all else fails, I'll put a toggle switch (or, as my brother-in-law says, "togo switch") on the dash, to operate the fan.
This car of mine is becoming a white trash 4 wheel Frankenstein.

I got a wrong number call this morning, looking for Desiree (I think). Then later, I got a text saying,"Happy birthday old monkey ass!" Today is the birthday of the person who used to have my number, apparently - so, "Happy birthday old monkey ass!"

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