Monday, February 28, 2011

In a dream, last night...

In a dream, last night, I was walking down a road, in a rural area, when I came upon an odd sight. It was a roughly built, 3 story, plywood encased structure, freshly painted "green" green. It sat off the road a bit, in a small clearing.
I entered the building and climbed to the top. As I looked out the back window (there was no glass, just an opening), I saw a creek running through the woods. In and around this creek were ducks, geese, turtles, deer, alligators and a bear. Then, from out of the thicker part of the woods, came a mule, wearing a bridle and harness. He crashed through the water and disappeared back into the woods. What an odd sight!
Later, I was joined by my dad, my brother-in-law and a guy I used to work with. I was telling them what they had missed, when I spotted some long, black, weasel looking animals on the bank of the creek. "What are those?" I asked. "They're polecats," replied my brother-in-law, looking out the window. He then leaned so far out of the window that he fell. I was worried that he would be hurt or eaten by the gators, but he was ok and he climbed back up.

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