Sunday, February 20, 2011

She's got two fired Tigger eyes.

She's got two fired Tigger eyes.
I don't know what that means.
Humans are becoming less and less precise about speech. I guess I'm still of the school that believes (there's a tricky word) that certain things should MEAN something. We should set them apart and preserve their integrity.
Maybe I just don't like change. Maybe I'm a bit stodgy that way. The English language is evolving like it's always done, I tell myself.
I don't wish to be misconstrued - I love playing with words. It just seems as if one should know the ground rules before breaking them. It's this awareness that I deem essential. It's the breezy carelessness with our means of communication that annoys me. If we can't hone our language skills, how can we be expected to be... understood?
Maybe, as a "man out of time," I have no right to even comment on it.
It could be that I'm seeking security in a world gone mad. A rock in an ocean of chaos.
Sometimes, however, these inexact, twisted, malapropistic (if I could, ironically, coin a term) chunks of language almost sound like poetry to my ears.
She's got two fired Tigger eyes.
"It hurts to hurt" someone once wrote to me - quite sincerely. How do you process a line like that? It does hurt to hurt. I get that. "I'm only human," he concluded.
Only human.
The folks in the Human League.
The girl with two fired Tigger eyes.

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