Friday, February 4, 2011

Me and Tommy. (One night...)

When we were teenagers, before we got our driver's licenses, and often after (if you couldn't get your parent's car), we traveled by bike. I put many a mile, as they say, on my 2 wheeler.
One night, while talking on the phone (which was this big rectangular device, with a rotary dial, hanging on the wall), my friend Tommy and I decided to meet up. He would take off from his house and I from mine, and we would meet half way. We lived about 3 miles apart. I jumped on my Sears "Free Spirit" ten speed and lit out.
It was a very dark night - cloudy, with no moon or stars. There weren't any street lights, as we lived in a rural area. Not many cars, either. I was making pretty good time, because I knew the roads, but I couldn't see a thing. Presumably, neither could Tommy, because, in the scary, pitch black silence, down a "haint"-infested back country road, I felt something breeze by, within inches of me, going in the opposite direction. And I heard a blood-curdling, terrified wail fading into the night, behind me. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHHH!!!"
We had nearly crashed head on into each other.

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