Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stop / Go.

That purple/blue sky is really something, through those silhouetted trees
That mocking bird is mocking up a storm
So much in life is uncertain - most everything, I guess
I'm here now - but tomorrow, who knows?

Against that sky, against that knowledge, I try to get things done
I try to be a good man
And in the process of performing menial tasks
I attempt to make someone feel loved.

Children are playing outside, it's unseasonably warm
My familiar barks at every screech and laugh
It doesn't seem like that long ago that I was dreading the call to come in
I had to free all the toads and fireflies I'd amassed.

It amazes me how the days evaporate, how the gears turn in lubricated perpetuity
Going, going, going, gone
If you don't stop yourself, there will be no stopping
The Sun, meanwhile, has punched the clock, jumped in his ride and left the parking lot.


  1. What a great poem. And I'm not really a poetry guy.

  2. Hey, I've re-edited it. Check it out. And thank you.

  3. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I'm not sure what you changed. My guess is that it's in the last few lines.

    I hope you don't mind, but I posted your poem as my FB status this morning, giving you ©2011 of course.

  4. Changes in the first, second and fourth stanzas - but who's counting? :)
    I'm honored to be your FB status! (I'm honored to be your friend.)
