Monday, February 14, 2011

Painting Place. (From the Steer years. Late 80s.)

The beige tongs from hell
Sprang from their shell
And danced their way toward the heat
They frolicked and spun
And pinched and tonged
And made our day complete.

We looked at the world
Through frog lips unfurled
Big and slimy and green
The sights, at the time
We thought divine
You would have found obscene.

The Thing Fish vernacular
So queer and spectacular
Has spun its web in our minds
You're not from St. Louis
So, why don't you sue us?
We find it quite sublime.

Then, there's Eddie Capps
Mystery "partner," perhaps
He's stumbled into our world
When he quits smoking
We'll still be joking
'Bout the mom and her little school girl.

And, speaking of school
Dropping out has been cool
And, our lives have begun to flower
Sleeping late, soaps and boyfriends
Mag rims, AM and FM
And 10, sometimes 20 dollars an hour.

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