Friday, February 4, 2011

This and that. Nothing, really.

Wanna feel stupid? Put your hoodie on backward.
You're hearing it here first (although I've been saying this for years): Sleep is the new sex.
It's funny how, no matter how hard you fight it, in the end, you'll compromise. Or, kill yourself. Those seem to be the 2 options.
I never feel good anymore. Meds? Heart condition? Old age? A combination? (It's probably a combination. And what a combination it is!)
I find myself (I can be surprisingly elusive), lately, wearing reading glasses for glasses glasses. I like to think of them as "Lunettes de Feu!" ("Glasses of Fire!" Everything is better when you add fire.)
I entered an online survey today. They'll be giving away 3 prizes of $1000. I'm keeping my fingers, toes and eyes crossed.
That old adage of "One day at a time" is really hitting home, these days. That's how I have to live. There's no real future. And, the past is slowly fading.
It's been raining all day long. It's supposed to rain, again, tomorrow. If it weren't so cold, it would suit me fine.
I just opened a pack of (2) fortune cookies I've had on my desk, for some time. The first one said, "There will be plenty of time to work hard; enjoy yourself!" the second said - get this - "Think of what you will think of ten years from now."
There's that fabled, mythological, hypothetical future, again. Nearly 35 years ago, Johnny Rotten growled, "NO FUTURE!" I wonder if he thought about what he would be thinking about in 2011.

1 comment:

  1. I got a new hoodie this year and the screen printing is on the back, whereas my other hoodies have it on the front. I almost always put that thing on backwards.
