Thursday, February 17, 2011

This and that. Nothing, really.

Sixty-five degrees today and 72 tomorrow. I'll take it! Now, we're talking. Let's keep this momentum going. The 80s are just around the corner. At least, I'd like to think they are. March is usually pretty cold and windy. I hate windy! But, but, wait - I am thrilled with just this little warm up. I certainly don't want to sound unappreciative. I appreciate the heck out of it.
I may shoot some stuff for the film, today. There's something I want to get, but it takes me perilously close to my old job (about which I have some bitterness). I'm trying really hard to close the door on that portion of my life and move on. It's difficult, considering it was something I did for 17 years. And the way it all ended.
Ok, shut up. Let's move on - because it's going to be around 70 degrees this weekend! The possibilities are endless.

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