Friday, February 4, 2011

Mysterious photos.

Lucky for me, right before my mom died, she went through her pictures and wrote on the backs of many of them - who it was, what year, etc. Still, there are some pics that remain mysterious to me. Here are two.
On the silo pic, my mom wrote, "June, 1941. Taken from a train." But, someone else - the photographer - wrote (and I'm leaving in all of the misspellings and bad grammar), "this one was spenehville ohio This what the farmers store thair wheat in. I tooke it from the train winder its a buetty."
The photo of the little boy says, "Paul Respass. June 8th, 1939." I have no idea who he is, but I'm assuming he's in Brooklyn, NY.
Doesn't he just cry out Movie Street Urchin?

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