Sunday, February 27, 2011


We've talked and talked and talked and talked.
We've talked about our world views, our families, growing up, school, pets, secrets, relationships, jobs - and always Music and Art.
A lot of the things I love, you love. I probably love too many "things," though. I had a teacher who told me that you're supposed to love people, not things. But, I can't help it. I get passionate about books (but, also writers), paintings (and painters), film (and film makers) and music (and musicians). I'm turned on by design. And style.
"When were you last excited?" you asked. I told you I used to get excited when a new REM album would come out. Or, when a new issue of Creem magazine hit the stands. But, those things were a long time ago - and they were probably not what you had in mind, anyway.
"Are you happy?" you asked. I don't know. I don't walk around feeling "happy." Contented, maybe. Happy, to me, is not a sustainable emotion. Nor, should it be. It should be reserved for special moments in one's life. To be happy all the time would (it seems to me) diminish the emotion's effect.
But, am I happy to have "met" you?
So, maybe I am happy.


  1. So glad to hear you're happy Jimmi. I've had a good weekend as well. We paddled nearly 12 miles today, our first trip for 2011. Now I've got to get some work done, but at least I goofed off for a good part of the day!

    See you soon!

  2. Hey Chuck. It's been edited since you read it.
    I'm glad you got to goof off. What was that (in the pic) you found?
    I shot some pretty good stuff today.
    When are you coming?
    Have a good week.

  3. Somebody had stuck some branches in the sand. No telling what for, but it looked like the work of little boys to me. You know how little boys can be.

    I'm planning on driving down Friday after work and taking mom to dinner. I was hoping we could get together sometime Saturday. Are you going to be busy?
