Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More mortal than mortal.

A little over 1 1/2 months of winter to go. I hope I can hold on. Things might not actually be any better in the spring, but at least they'll seem better.
I shot some fire, tonight, for my film, "Mortal." You can't go wrong with fire. Well, I guess you can...
I was sick last night, but I feel much better today. I'm thankful for that. Don't ever let it be said that I'm ungrateful. I'm a humble guy. Really I am. I don't know how anyone can walk out their door and not be humbled.
I'm trying to drink more water. Being dehydrated is no way to go through life.
It's 9 pm already. Where does the time go? And, where does it come from? And what is it, anyway?
I have plans to make my closets more efficient. It's funny how you have to adapt to different living conditions. It's like storage Darwinism.
I've been having nightmares, lately, about losing my job. But, last night, I had a pleasant dream. A whole group of my friends, from the 80s, got together in the old house where 2 of them used to live. It was kinda like a post punk/glam/goth "Big Chill." We were our current ages, but everyone was sweet. That dream left a good taste in my mouth, when I awoke. I want more dreams like that.
I'm trying to make some sense of my life after having wasted so much time. The Bulbs of Glacier Lilies is a part of that. It's a big, sloppy mess - but, so was my life. So IS my life.
Drink water! (My friend Chuck says it's good for your soul.)

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