Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Ugly bags of mostly water..."

My sister took me to the emergency room last night.
I was sitting at my computer, feeling fine and then something came over me. In a matter of seconds, I was feeling horrible. I began to have chills and my arms and hands began to tingle. My blood pressure began to go up. Then down. Then up again. I was worried, considering my health history, that it might be something heart related. I took my night time dose of meds, plus an enteric aspirin, for good measure, and went to bed. I thought that if I rested, I might feel better. I didn't. I began to feel worse. I called my sister. She and my brother-in-law convinced me to go to the ER.
I had to wait forever before seeing the doctor. By the time I saw him, my symptoms had abated somewhat. All of my vital signs were ok. Eventually, they released me, without any diagnosis.
I considered all of the possibilities (known to me) for my symptoms. This morning, I went online to look for symptoms of dehydration and discovered I had 13 of them: Decreased sweating, decreased urination, dark colored urination, fatigue, cramps, tingling, confusion, dizziness, dry skin, flushing, dry mouth, head rushes and chills.
I never want to drink anything anymore. I'll just take a sip now and then. I read that as you get older, this occurs - your desire for fluids decreases.
I'm going to try to make myself drink more water. I certainly don't want a recurrence of last night.

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