Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pleasant diversions.

I looked for art, but all I found was design - technical and mass produced.
In a dream last night, small boulders, on a river's shore, took to the air and battered people. I tried to film it, but I ended up running.
I drove an old tractor, today. It ran for a while, but the fuel was bad and it shut off. It needs some TLC, that old International.
I'm chatting with someone new. It's a pleasant diversion, but it won't amount to anything. At least he's interesting.
I have projects I want to finish. Need to finish. Time is fleeting. Tempus is Fugiting.
It's not even cold tonight. I don't remember how to act. I've been freezing for months.
I'm almost ready to paint, again. That big canvas stares at me every time I walk into the closet.
I know what I want. I think that annoys some people. I try not to flaunt it.
I have opinions. If you ask me, I'll share them. Otherwise, I keep them to myself.
Walking through the world alone, you tend to create your own universe. Since you're the only one living there, communication with others can sometimes be a problem.
My dog is high strung. He goes from 0 to 100 in a second. I can't imagine that Howler Monkeys are much more shrill (or excitable).
Sometimes you imagine other people's lives to be perfect. They're not.
Sometimes it seems as if life is unfair. It's not. It's just what it is. Good and bad, fair and unfair are arbitrary notions - man-made affectations.
I think too much. Paul Simon said he thought he thought too much. Then he thought about it and wrote a song called, "I Think Too Much."
I love to sing, because I forget everything else when I'm doing it. Good, bad, fair and unfair.

1 comment:

  1. might amount to something if you give it a chance...
