Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Everything is Everything."

It's such a beautiful day today - sunny and warm (low 60s). This is definitely the nicest day we've had all winter. I opened the windows, cleaned the house, washed a sinkful of dishes, vacuumed and did some laundry. It's amazing how a little good weather can change your mood. Well, that and some great music. Lauryn Hill provided my house cleaning jam.
It's hard to believe it's been almost 13 years since this dropped. Where is Lauren? What's she doing?
"The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill" won 5 Grammys, including Best Album and Best New Artist. It's one of the most soulful records to come out of Hip Hop/RnB in the past 20 years.
Obviously, not just my opinion.
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