Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Adventures in being me.

I'm tired.
I looked for work today. Paid some bills. Bought some pet food. Took out the chainsaw and whacked some more of the bushes on the edge of my yard.
What a jungle!
I dragged limbs and vines into a pile. Well, several piles, actually. I even borrowed a chain and jerked some overgrown hedges out with my car.
I put the ferret harness and leash on Scooter and walked him to the mailbox and back. It's a bit more walk than most folks have. Still no tax refund check - although I did have a mailbox full of junk mail garbage.
I hate junk mail.
I cut open 2 feather pillows, stuffed the contents of one into the other, and sewed it up. I did the same thing with 2 pillows containing synthetic stuffing. From 4 wimpy pillows, I now have 2 fat ones.
It's amazing how messy an open feather pillow is...
And, the guy who said he wanted to buy my car? He never called.
I have so much to do. And no money.
But hey, it was warm today. And I thought of 2 more bands to add to my concert list (both hair metal bands, oddly enough).
Not too bad.

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