Thursday, March 10, 2011

People used to love me.

The letter in this post is much less serious than the last. I actually lived with "K." from the last letter. I was several years younger - about 15 or 16 - when I received this note. It was from a girl I met at a party and only saw a couple of times.

Saturday night.

"Hello Jimmi!"
What cha been thinging about?
Sure hope it was me!
Cause all I can think about is you and how much I really love you!
And bunches at that!
Sure am glad we got together at the party because I love ya!
Did you really mean you liked me?
I sure hope so!
Maybe everything will turn out great with you and me.
So sorry we were disturbed on the phone but you probly don't know how it is to have a BRAT for a brother!
I know!
I'm about ready to run away because I love you and want to be with you always and a couple of other reasons!
Mark said he'd invite you to come stay with him so we could be together!
Why don't you want to meet my parents?
They can't really keep me away from you (which I doubt they will) because I really love you a lot!
Will you please call me about 3 o'clock (phone number)?
Whenever I love a boy so cute, sweet, fun to be with, good personality and very good looking! I really don't stop.
Well I hate to say it but I've gotta close so I can clean up the kitchen.
Please call or write: Nancy P. (address, phone number).
Well will you remember "I Love You!"
Lots of Love.
PS "I Love you!!" always!

Nancy P.

Nancy -n- Jimmi 4ever
Jimmi -n- Nancy (I hope)

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