Monday, March 14, 2011

"Whatever happened to the teenage dream?"

I saw kids walking home from the local high school, today. It was almost heartbreaking - they looked like babies. Did we look like that when we were their age?
In the few kids that I saw, I think I got a pretty good cross section: There was a "punk" couple walking together (she had pink hair and he had a green mohawk - that's how I knew they were "punk"), an R.O.T.C. guy, in uniform, and a kind of emo/hippie looking kid. I hope they're enjoying themselves. I hope they're having the time of their lives. They're at the age when you think you'll live forever. And, they should feel like that! Fuck yeah! I'm glad they can't foresee their futures.
If I could go back, by snapping my fingers...SNAP!!

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