Saturday, March 12, 2011

I'll just file these...

People tell me to pay a little to the hospital and that will keep them off my back. No one seems to understand that it's not a single bill - you get bills from every department, every doctor. And, in my case, this happens with 4 different hospitals. If I payed a little to each one, it would amount to a lot. And I'm unemployed.
These are the bills that were in my mailbox today. They total almost $8000. And these aren't even the big ones. I probably owe a quarter of a million dollars, between the different hospitals. Seriously.
I'm starting to feel like this is way too much money to keep me alive. It's unnatural. I should just accept my fate.
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  1. I hate to break it to you buddy, but there's no such thing as fate.
    And look at the money that's spent keeping Dick Cheney alive! Our tax dollars going to prolong his evil reign! I'm much rather see you kept alive than him.

  2. Hey, I actually laughed out loud (LOL)! Thanks for that.
