Sunday, March 13, 2011

Just some guy.

I've been waking up, lately, with strange ideas formed in my head. This morning I thought about all of the photos in people's family photo collections of relatives long gone. "I think that's your great, great uncle on your dad's side." Or, "That's your great grandmother." The people in the pictures never thought they were going to be viewed in that (dim) light. One day, we're all going to be there. "I know he's related, but I can't remember how..." Of course, I personalized the notion: I thought about myself, how I was going to be a picture of some guy in someone's family photos. Just some old guy whose life didn't really matter.
Does everyone think about this kind of stuff or am I just morbid? I guess it's why people try to stay busy - to keep their minds off of their own mortality.

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