Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My heart (update).

"Life is nothing if not a random motion of coincidences and quirks of chance; it never goes as planned or foretold; frequently one gains happiness from being obliged to follow an unchosen path, or misery from following a chosen one. How often can one refrain from wondering what portentous events may not have arisen from some trivial circumstance which thereby has acquired a significance far beyond itself?"

Louis de Bernieres. I'm reading "The War of Don Emmanuel's Nether Parts." I love his writing. He exposes the glorious insanities of the human spirit, in a beautiful, playful, and darkly comical way. What more could you ask for?

I got a call today from the hospital in Chapel Hill. I have an appointment to have the ablation procedure, and have my ICD replaced, on April 8. I have to go in and meet with the doctor on the 7th.
I'm going to try to take it easy until then. I'm hopeful this procedure will help me.
Please, anyone reading this, send me some good vibes. I need everything I can get.

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