Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Celebrate the day.

It has occurred to me that my posts haven't been especially witty (as if), poetic, prolific, or even regular, lately. I seem to be in the midst of a lot of minor concerns, these days. I'm trying to take care of some of the details around the house that have been on the proverbial back burner for far too long. Just little things that have been annoying me all winter. Also, the warm weather has given me the atmospherically temperate encouragement I've been lacking - along with the resultant emotional motivation - to do more outside.
I sometimes wonder if this blog hasn't served its purpose - run its course. It has gotten me through a very rough period in my life. Maybe I'm being too optimistic (can that be true?). This may only be a slight lull between catastrophic events.
I can't think that way. I have to be positive. And I have to fulfill one of the main tenets of TBOGL: Recognize and celebrate the good, when it comes.

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