Sunday, March 20, 2011

An overview.

I don't know what other people do with their blogs. The Bulbs of Glacier Lilies has been a big mess: Part confessional, part documentation, part creative outlet and part catharsis. Even though there are HUGE chunks left out (there are some things I will never write about and some that just don't seem to matter anymore), it is a pretty good overview of my life. Such as it is (was).
I hope I can continue blogging for a while, but I feel as if I should consider the possibility that I may need to be wrapping things up. Some people may see me as morbid, but I see myself as being realistic - and I hate unfinished business.
I want to thank Chuck for being the kind of friend I never thought I would be able to have in my adult life. I never take for granted the joy of having someone I rarely have to explain myself to. And, I want to thank my ex-wife, B., for the long talks we've had in recent months. You don't live with someone for 7 years and not get to know them. I feel like we grew up together.
Hopefully (see, I'm positive), there's plenty more to come.

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