Friday, March 25, 2011

People used to love me. (From the late 80s.)

It's about one o'clock Monday morning. Ever since you let me out, I've been thinking about you. I bought this paper and envelopes so I could write you when I'm lonely and depressed. Or if I'm just thinking about you.
I still love you more than anything in the world. What are we gonna do? I'm sorry for everything. Can't you see how jealous I am? I want all of you and it seems like you don't have time for me anymore. Your weekends are full and Tuesday Greg comes over and now Martha. Please don't give her my phone number.
I don't know how to make things right between us but I swear I'm gonna try.
Daddy didn't give me a hard time when I got home. He's on vacation this week. If you went out tonight I hope you had a good time and if you didn't I hope you slept good.
Jim, the van is torn up and that means that the only vehicle running is the truck and I won't have any way to come see you. I've got to get a car but until then I'll have to ride my bike. Maybe I'll ride it to see you, if I leave early enough that it won't get dark on me. I can't stand it if I don't see you one day. You know I can't last 2 days.
I've always wanted to have your baby and I want it more than ever now that you want it too. I want to try every time we see each other. Is that okay with you? I love you. That's not just words, it's deep down inside me.
I gotta try to get some sleep.
Love ya.
Your wittle B.

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