Sunday, March 20, 2011

My heart (update).

I had an attack of V-Tach yesterday. It really had me worried. (I'm still worried.)
I was outside, burning yard debris, when it struck. I came close to passing out. I called my sister, who lives 2 houses down, to ask her to keep an eye on my fire (it wasn't very big, at that point) while I went inside to lie down. As bad as I felt, I first took a shower, brushed my teeth and closed my windows, in case I had to be taken to the ER. I think like that, now. I then tried to contact my cardiologist, in Chapel Hill, so that maybe he would bump up my procedure date. Of course, you can't reach a cardiologist on a weekend, but I was assured, by someone, that he would get the message.
I didn't even feel well enough to sit up last night. I stayed in bed and read (I finished "Vintage Stuff" by Tom Sharpe). I asked the universe (?) to please let me make it through the night.
So, here I am. I made it.
I feel very shaky and wobbly. I'm hungry, but afraid to eat anything.
What's to become of me? (Don't answer that...)

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