Thursday, January 6, 2011

"Just Kids"

My friend Josh (hi, Josh) thoughtfully gave me a gift card to Barnes and Noble for Christmas (thanks, Josh). I knew immediately what book I wanted.
I bought Patti Smith's "Just Kids" yesterday and read it last night. I couldn't stop reading, even when it became very late and my eyes were sore.
Anyone who knows me knows how I feel about Patti, Robert, Max's Kansas City, CBGB, the Warhol crowd and the whole New York City scene in the 70s. Patti was in the middle of all that, plus a whole lot more.
I wonder how this National Book Award winning book would be received by someone unfamiliar with the terrain. I don't know. Me? I LOVED IT!
If you care at all about art, music and poetry, do yourself a favor and dive in.
I love you, Patti. You did good. Real good.
(Patti's still on my list of people I wish I could meet.)
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