Thursday, January 13, 2011

Life keeps getting better and better.

Continuing the unending wave of misfortune that has become my life, I wrecked my car this morning. I pulled out from a stop sign and never saw the other car coming.
No one was hurt, but I was (and still am) very shaken.
I got my unemployment money yesterday and I'm broke today. I even had to borrow money for the tow truck. Now, on top of everything else - my health, my financial worries - I have no car. I have no way to even look for a job, and if I find one, no transportation.
My sister, who came out to the accident site, said, in her usual audacious, self righteous manner, "I know one thing, the devil is after you." I'm about as down and out as I can get. I have no one on my side. Horrible things keep happening to me and, apparently, according to my sister, it's my own fault.
I've always considered myself to be strong willed. Not so much, anymore. I'm ready to give up.
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