Wednesday, January 12, 2011


The Shaggs were 3 sisters - Dot, Helen and Betty Wiggin - from Fremont, NH. They grew up dirt poor and all but completely alienated from pop culture. Their father had dreams of them becoming big stars, so he rehearsed them hard, bestowed upon them their groovy moniker and dragged the girls into a small studio in 1969. To say they weren't ready to record would be an understatement.
Their album, "Philosophy of the World," eventually found its way into the hands of a DJ, who played it on air, as a joke. Soon, Frank Zappa was saying that it was one of his favorite albums and that The Shaggs were better than The Beatles. Ahem...
It would be easy to dismiss this album as a crazy goof if it were not for the strangely touching songwriting of Dot Wiggin and the heartfelt, although somewhat unearthly, musical performances.

Kurt Cobain was said to have listened to "Philosophy of the World" nearly every day.
Someone is working on a Shaggs movie.

You'll either love this music, or want to shove chop sticks into your ear drums. Me, I'm of the former camp (fortunately).
The Shaggs love you! The Shaggs ROCK!
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  1. I can't believe there's no commentary about The Shaggs!

    I love her drum kit.

  2. Hey. You commented before I even edited the piece! God, you're quick! Re-read it.

  3. Yeah, that's a great kit. It's also one of my favorite album covers.
