Sunday, January 23, 2011

My progress.

Both of my brothers-in-law came over Friday and helped me put my car back together. It sure was nice of them and I really appreciated it.
The front end could not be straightened out completely, so things didn't fit back correctly (of course). I was going to post a pic of our work, but it's not something I'm particularly proud of. I did a few things to it today and I'm going to try it out tomorrow and see if there are any discernible problems. I may need to add transmission fluid and I still need some bulbs for the head lights. The hood doesn't shut tightly. I hope it won't pull up in the breeze. If everything works, I'm gonna drive it, no matter how ugly it is - and be thankful to have a ride.
Could I be any more freaking positive?!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe some hood pins are in order? They'll hold your hood securely, and they look sporty, in that 1970's kind of way. You'll probably have the only Contour with them!
