Thursday, January 27, 2011

"...Everybody had to pay and pay..."

I didn't do much today. I haven't been feeling well. I fixed something to eat, got my mail (my W2s came), went to the store for a newspaper and cleaned out the dog crate - putting in new bedding. That's about it.
I haven't seen my cat in days. I guess (hope) he's just "tom catting."
I just finished Camus' "The Stranger." The paperback was rife with annoying penciled in notes, courtesy of some student, apparently. Whenever I see notes scribbled in a book, I always feel as if that person didn't really want to read the book, that it was read as an assignment. And I especially hate it when there's a sentence or paragraph labeled "foreshadowing." It's just irksome. Now, I'm reading "My Century," the Nobel award winning book by the great Gunter Grass. I wish I could type umlauts. He has umlauts in his name.
I filled out a government form, online, and had to print it up to mail it. It was 10 pages long! Why I had to print it and mail it I can't understand. I thought I was going to deplete the ink in my copier.
I'm going to be broke, broke, broke for at least 2 months. I've worked it out the best I can, but it's not going to be pretty. For instance, after I pay my final notice electric bill, I'll have $20 left from my unemployment. God, I hope someone buys the car I have for sale.
If I were younger and prettier, I'd hustle my way out of debt (think Little Joe D. in "Flesh"). That's the way to make money!
I'm so sick of winter. I don't know how much more I can take. I guess it would be awfully cold standing on a street corner, down by the river, wearing short shorts and a cut off tee shirt.
"H-h-hey, y-y-you wanna b-b-boyfriend?"

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