Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Book mark.

I wrote, recently, about how I love to find notes, shopping lists, tickets, etc. It gives you a little peek into a stranger's world. I buy a lot of used books and it's always a thrill to find an unusual book mark that someone left. I've found airline tickets, condom wrappers, newspaper clippings - and this 5x7 photo. Oddly enough, it was in a copy of William Burroughs' "Naked Lunch." I haven't a clue who this is or who snapped the pic - which makes it all the more interesting.
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  1. Was this a real 5 x 7, like something somebody shot and developed on photo paper, or is it a clipping from a magazine or something?

  2. It was (and is) a real photograph. Obviously a 35 mm.
