Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Film update.

I think I'm changing the title of the film. I'm worried that people might find "The Exquisite Horror of Being" to be a tad depressing. And, it occurs to me that it's very similar to "The Unbearable Lightness of Being." I may just go with my original expression, "The Horror of Being," which, of course, would be even more of a downer for most people.
People? What people? Whose opinion am I worried about? It may be my legacy (such as it is), but it will only be a tiny, unseen movie. I should call it "The Legend of Glixnerd and His Wiley Glab-Trappics!"

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think "Horror" should be dropped and "Legend" added to the title. Do as you see fit with the other words, but maybe don't use too many. Make it short and punchy. Maybe "Blue Legend" or "Legendary Blue"?
